• “I think if you can dance and be free and not embarrassed, you can rule the world”

    Amy Poehler

Hey! Thank you for visiting my little home on the internet.

My name is Megan (also known as Meggs). Just like you all out there - I am many things!

I’m a Mama of two boys, Dance Movement Therapist, Primary school teacher, performing arts educator,
Dance facilitator / trainer, Choreographer, perfomer and advocate for the arts and holistic health.

My love affair with dance and movement began many moons ago.
It's funny - I can’t recall in great detail my very first encounter with dance. But what I do remember is how it made me feel.
For someone who has battled anxiety; movement unlocked something deep within. This shouldn’t come as a surprise considering movement is the very first way we communicate as infants!
Was I the most flexible? Did I have amazing turn out? Could I nail that triple pirouette?
No. The answer is definitely not.
You see, if you’re moving - you’re doing it. No right or wrong - you are doing it! You’re DANCING! (*Gasp!).
At times I still felt insecure (heck, my inner saboteur ‘Sharon’ still sticks her head out and puts her two bobs in!).
But you know what I also felt?

A flood of emotions.

And I loved it. Every moment of it.
I may not have been marked for the Australian Ballet ensemble; but my passion for moving, story telling and performing became the driver to study contemporary dance at Deakin University, create my own dance work for the Melbourne Fringe Festival, teach creative dance to children, choreograph dance pieces, compose school productions and dance in my kitchen.

For me, dance has always felt like therapy. This sparked a strong desire to learn about ‘therapeutic dance’ and how it integrates body, mind and spirit. I am now currently studying Dance Movement Therapy and am working towards becoming a registered dance movement therapist (eek!).

What is The Shake Lab?
Well, that would be me! The Shake Lab was established in 2017 after creating a staff item for a school showcase. After many years teaching kids, I discovered that I also loved working with adults! So what started as ‘dance classes for adults’ has slowly evolved into a dance and movement laboratory!

  • I’m Head Shaker of my unique adult dance classes

  • My approach is enthusiastic, supportive, playful, energetic and authentic

  • I facilitate movement workshops (mindful movement, dance movement therapy)

  • I offer creative production services to schools

  • I design and run events (Hen’s Nights, family dance sessions)

  • Choreography services

  • I love to collaborate and team up to bring to life meaningful projects or events in the local community

I live in a leafy suburb in outer eastern suburb of Melbourne, Australia with my husband, two young boys, greyhound and too many pairs of ‘in your face’ bright activewear leggings. I’m a dreamer, massive sweet tooth, complete goofball and love to live life with my eyes and heart wide open.

The credentials:

Diploma of Dance Movement Therapy
Masters of Arts & Entertainment Management
Graduate Diploma of Primary Education
Bachelor of Arts (Contemporary Dance / Health Promotion)

Provisional Professional Dance Movement Therapist
Performing Arts Teacher
Primary School Educator
Over 20 years dance teaching experience
Over 30 years dance training
Established The Shake Lab in 2017

  • 'What Megg's creates with The Shake Lab is an incredibly supportive, encouraging space with true ray-of-sunshine vibes.'


  • 'It's such a fantastic experience to be in a space where I get to just move to music and focus on enjoying the movement of my body. Each class leaves me feeling more energised than when I started!'


  • 'I love Megan’s style of teaching and how comfortable she is in holding a safe space. If there’s anywhere us shower dancers can unite, it’s here!'


  • 'A dance class where you can truly not help but smile while you dance!'
